Dr. İnaç has continuously updated his knowledge and experience by attending many congresses and trainings in both medical aesthetics and integrative medicine fields.
Focusing on revealing the natural beauty potential of individuals by interpreting the "Holistic Beauty" approach with her own style, Dr. İnaç completed her master's degree in medical aesthetics at the University of Camerino, Italy in 2024. Now, she offers healthy and natural beauty solutions in her own clinic with personalized treatment approaches.
In 2017, she successfully completed her Ozone and Mesotherapy training and worked at a center in Istanbul that applied traditional complementary medicine and regeneration treatments. During this period, she participated in important studies such as cancer cells and ozone treatments.
Continuing his studies in England, Dr. İnaç successfully completed Live Blood Analysis training, Phytotherapy (herbal treatment) and functional medicine training, gaining experience and vision from an international perspective.
In 2021, he participated in the Future Health Care event as a speaker about future treatment methods and closely followed the developments in this field.
Specialization in Complementary Medicine and Regeneration Therapies (2017 - 2022)
Having successfully completed her education at the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Elif İnaç started her medical career in 2012 by working in the emergency room of a public sector hospital.
He later continued to work as a physician in public and private sector organizations.
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine (2006 - 2012)